If you are not receiving your faxes into your email account, the first thing to do is to log onto the web platform and check the message list to ensure you are still receiving your faxes. If your faxes are not showing please open a support ticket on the main help page.
If your faxes appear in the message list then the service is still working fine. The you need to check your email client, common issues are the spam folder and any redirections, also check the email address is correct and is not full.
Alternatively you can make sure our email domains are not being restricted by your email by ensuring they are whitelisted. Make sure the following domains are added to the white list:
- @ecomfax.com
- @amazonses.com
Alternatively, you can add additional email address or email domains (enterprise subscriptions) to your account. Simply log into the platform select <Configuration> then <Delivery> and add them at the top using the "+" button. You can add up to three additional ones.
Once these steps are followed, yet emails are still not coming through please open a support ticket on the main help page explaining the steps you have taken.
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